Ep.37- How to Manage Customer Relationships Effectively

As the host of this podcast episode, I discussed the importance of implementing a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) in order to scale and grow your business effectively. I highlighted key factors to consider when choosing a CRM, such as scalability, cost effectiveness, integration, customization, user-friendliness, and training and support. I shared my personal experience…

Finding Peace in the Pause

Finding Peace in the Pause

If you’re anything like me, the hustle and grind can sometimes feel never-ending. As an entrepreneur, mom, and community builder, I’m always on the go, juggling multiple responsibilities and trying to stay on top of everything. Over time, I’ve learned the importance of taking steps to prevent burnout, but it hasn’t always been easy. Let…

Ep.36- Unleashing Your Authentic Voice

In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Aundrea Cline-Thomas, an Emmy Award-winning television journalist and the founder of Mountain Court Media. Aundrea shared her journey of transitioning from journalism to entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of storytelling and authenticity in building a brand. She discussed her new venture, the Visibility Playbook, which aims to…

Why Being a Mom or Caregiver Might Make You the Best Leader.

Why Being a Mom or Caregiver Might Make You the Best Leader.

In today’s ever-evolving business world, the qualities that define a great leader are changing. Empathy, resilience, multitasking, and effective communication are now seen as essential traits. Interestingly, these are the same qualities that moms and caregivers exhibit every day. Let’s dive into why being a mom or any kind of caregiver might actually make you…

Ep.35- The Psychology of Action Taking

Hey everyone! In this episode, I delved into the psychology of action-taking and overcoming inaction in business and personal life. I shared personal experiences of battling extreme vertigo and the mental battle between mind and body. I discussed the characteristics of action-takers, the importance of drive, resilience, adaptability, and self-confidence in propelling towards success. I…

Why You Need Your Tribe

Why You Need Your Tribe

As an entrepreneur, you’re likely familiar with the hustle and grind that comes with building your own business. But what if I told you that one of the most powerful tools for your success isn’t something you can buy or create—it’s something you build around you: your community. Let’s dive into why community is so…